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Youth Education Support Services

Mrs. Shannon Zolkowski

Instruction and Intervention Specialist 

Phone: (724) 452-8280 

The Youth Education and Support Services Program, or Y.E.S.S. is Seneca Valley School District’s Student Assistance Program. The goal of the Y.E.S.S program is to:


First, identify students who may need additional supports and interventions within the classroom setting through data collection and documentation.  Secondly, to provide those supports within a developed plan of intervention, and document the results through data collection.


The plan will be develop and implemented within a team that may include, the Instruction and Intervention Specialist, parents, teachers, reading specialist, guidance counselor, school nurse, school psychologist, and administration.   


Student Referral Process:

Both parents and teachers may refer a student based upon needed academic remediation, behavior support, emotional needs, or needed enrichment opportunities.  In collaboration with teachers and administration, the Instruction and Intervention Specialist will collect data, assess academic levels, and observe behaviors and emotional needs that may impede learning.  The information will be shared, so the team may collaborate to develop a plan to meet the student’s needs.  Once goals have been established, the team will monitor the success of those interventions and continue to modify supports enabling success and individual growth.